Marne Samsal
The Mama Coach


Serving families locally in the Kenora Area and virtually Across Canada.

Evidence-informed support and education for pregnancy, post partum, and women’s health and hormones at all stages of life.

Need help now?

Book Your Free Discovery Call

During this 15-minute call we’ll talk through your current challenges and I’ll explain how I can support you.

do any of these sound like you?

  • You are gaining weight even though your diet & exercise routine has not changed
  • You feel anxious, overwhelmed, or depressed and aren’t sure why
  • Your periods are heavier than they used to be with no consistent schedule
  • You feel like your brain is constantly fogged
  • Your skin, hair, and nails have changed
  • Your libido is low or non-existent, and maybe sex even hurts
  • Your joints and muscles ache
  • You are getting frequent UTIs, or feel like you consistently need to urinate
  • You are struggling with night sweats and/or hot flashes

Did you know the average age of menopause is 51 and perimenopause can begin 10 years before?  Many women are beginning to experience symptoms in their late thirties! 

Every woman experiences different symptoms during this time in her life — you deserve to be listened to and supported no matter where you are on your journey.

Meet Marne Samsal, RN, BScN

Hi! I’m Marne, your Mama Coach for Kenora and the surrounding areas. I am a Registered Nurse, a wife, and a mom of 2. I have worked in the hospital setting for over 13 years, in a variety of areas. As a nurse, I naturally love helping people understand health . After having kids of my own, I recognized how much support we need in the early stages of parenthood. Now, as my own children are growing into their independence, I have time to refocus on my own health. Recognizing the immense gap in services and information for women as we transition from our maternal to perimenopause, to menopause, and eventually post-menopausal years, I have developed a love for educating and helping the women in my life. Although I work with mostly adults, I love listening, sharing, and supporting other moms and dads during those tough times- from the pregnancy questions right through to bringing home baby and beyond! Currently, I’m working towards achieving my Menopause Society Certification, to become a North American Menopause Society (NAMS) certified practitioner. Becoming a Mama Coach has given me the professional platform to service everyone- from soon-to-be or new parents, right through to post-menopausal women looking for answer to their individual health challenges. 

The Mama Coach Client Experience

Step 1

Book Your Service

Select from my available packages or private class sessions. 

Step 2

Complete Intake Questionnaire

This provides me with important background information before your consultation or class. 

Step 3

We meet!

When booking, you will choose a time to meet virtually or in person based on your location and service selected.

Step 4

Follow-Up Support

Method and frequency of communication based on the package you choose.Â